July 10, 2024 – 18th Annual General Meeting of PCCIJ followed by a Reception Party.
On July 10, 2024 (Wed) at 17:30 the 18th Annual General Meeting of PCCIJ will be held. The AGM will be followed a Reception Party.
At the Reception we are planning to shortly present our activities of assistance to the Ukrainian refugees in Poland and display photos of the refugees which were shown at The Citizens Gallery, Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo and on other occasions.
令和6年能登半島地震の復興支援チャリティー・Noto Peninsula Earthquake Recovery Support Charity
The Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Instytut Polski w Tokio, Polish Business Club, and Social Welfare Corporation Fukudenkai have initiated a charity action to support recovery from the Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on New Year’s Day of 2024. At the event you will be able to donate funds for this cause.
Part 1
17:00 Door open
17:30 Start of AGM
1. Greeting by the Honorary Chairman, H.E. Ambassador Mr. Paweł Milewski
2. Election of Members of the Board
3. Annual Report by the Chairman
4. Treasurer’s Report on the Statement of Accounts for the previous year
5. Auditor’s Report for the previous year
6. Presentation of Budget for the current year
7. Report on Election of Members of the Board
8. Miscellaneous
[18:30-18:45 break]Part 2
18:55 Piano recital by Mr. Shushi Kyomasu
19:10 Light meal Reception Party
21:00 Door close
・Note: The program may change without prior notice. Thank you for your understanding.
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Shushi Kyomasu・PROFILE

Born on 4 June 1996.He began learning piano at the age of four. He studies under Tetsuro Ishikawa (Professor Emeritus, Musashino Academia Musicae) from the age of six. He graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts (GEIDAI) with the highest award, studying under Prof. Shinnosuke Tashiro in 2019, and received many award such as Geidai Klavier Award, Ataka Award, Acanthus Music Award and Mitsubishi Estate Award and so on. He completed master’s degree at GEIDAI under Prof. Yuya Tsuda in 2022. Currently He appears in numerous concerts and recitals in many city of Japan, including Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya. He received 1st prize and Minister of Education Award at All Tohoku Piano Competition (2016). He also reached the second round of the 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw (2021).
京増修史 Kyomasu Shushi (@we_are_kyomasu)